I've linked several of the tracks to urls at Youtube. Not all of the video content is appropriate to what I had in mind, but the songs themselves are all very relevant and will give readers an idea - I hope!
1. Hymn To Her - The Pretenders.It's about the female element in the novel and it opens with a childbirth scene and concerns the power of women. Url to the song at youtube here
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcMzLRWlg68&feature=fvw2. Holding Out For A Hero - Bonnie TylerWilliam Marshal's theme music if ever there was. '
Somewhere after midnight, in my wildest fantasy, somewhere just beyond my reach, there's someone reaching back for me.' http://tinyurl.com/2kpaq93. THE BEST - Tina TurnerIsabelle's view of her husband. May sound a bit cheesy through familiarity these days, but it has tremendous resonance and feeling. There's a reason it always gets played at discos as weddings!
4. LANDSLIDE - Fleetwood MacIsabelle's feelings about the passage of time and coming into her own. She and William married when she was a girl. Now she's a woman and looking to future responsibilities and duties.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbZhj6H9kfY5. THE WRECK OF THE EDMUND FITZGERALD - Gordon Lightfoot
The voyage to Ireland which was pretty grim.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U219P_zs7w&feature=related6. CHANGE MY WORLD - Moya BrenanArriving in Ireland - a different place to the courts of Normandy and England
7. INTO THE FIRE - Sarah McLachlanIsabelle is reunited with her mother
8. SHERRY DARLING - Bruce SpringsteenOne of several Springsteen tracks. William is not enamoured of his mother in law!
9.DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN - Bruce SpringsteenA bitter, dark number concerning the burdens shouldered by the men who knew what happened to Prince Arthur.
http://tinyurl.com/2hegjm10. ALL MY LIFE - FoofightersKing John and the incident with Prince Arthur - and all the other incidents throughout John's life. '
Done, done and I'm on to the next one....' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqxgwX62Ozw11. STORY OF ISAAC - Suzanne VegaThe hostage situation
12. WORLDS APART - Bruce SpringsteenIsabelle and William disagree over the hostage situation and their difference of opinion is fuelled by suspicions about what happened to Prince Arthur
'Sometimes the truth just ain't enough, or it's too much in times like this, let's throw the truth away and find it in this kiss.' http://tinyurl.com/2xcqa813. FLYING COLOURS - Jethro TullWilliam and Isabelle's marriage continues rocky because of John and their sons.
14. STICK TO YOUR GUNS - Bon JoviIsabelle has to cope in Ireland while William goes to court
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKzWabwp-co15. AGAINST THE WIND - Marie BrenanHanging tough in Ireland
http://tinyurl.com/3ykhqn16. THE ONE I LOVE - REMWilliam at court in England, biding time, sending out a mental warning to Isabelle. I know the meaning of the song is different in reality, but it has the above meaning to me, with 'Fire!' meaning 'Beware!'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R52RrbF3mM417. EMERALD - Thin LizzyThe Battle at Newtown and subsequent battles in Ireland.
'Down from the glen came the marching men with their shields and their swords.' http://tinyurl.com/29zusp18. I NEED SOME SLEEP - EelsWilliam struggling at court, not knowing what's happening at home. Everything has gone to hell in a handcart.
http://tinyurl.com/3y446819. A MATTER OF TRUST - Billy JoelWilliam returns to Ireland and is reunited with his family
20. SCARLET - All About EveIsabelle and William's daughter-in-law Alais de Bethune. Her character and what happens to her.
21. SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT - NirvanaMore on Alais and the happenings at Pembroke. William's son Will when he hears what has happened.
'A denial, a denial, a denial.' Raw, ragged, emotional.
http://tinyurl.com/324kwt22. IF IT BE YOUR WILL - Jann ArdenMy feelings about Alais and giving her a voice that history hasn't heard until now.
22. LOVE HURTS - NazarethWilliam Marshal and his family are threatening to tear apart beneath all that's happening to them. Particularly a song for Will, William's eldest son.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2BjJbKQkgc23. BOULEVARD OF BROKEN DREAMS - GreendayWill squaring his shoulders and trying to come to terms with what's happened to him
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tK7-OuYfJc24. JUST FOR YOU -Lionel RichieWill thinking back and realising life isn't like that.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz6r1TcvL7I25. FATHER AND SON - Ronan KeatingThe conflict between William and Will.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EY_pjVaKcq826. PARALLEL UNIVERSE - Red Hot Chili PeppersThe battle of Lincoln and William's altered state of mind as he enters the fight. That joyous surge of the sword.
'Christ I'm a sidewinder, I'm a California King.' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fPYyoY49Bc
27. IN KEEPING SECRETS OF SILENT EARTH - Coheed & CambriaThe battle of Sandwich and more stirring battle action.
http://tinyurl.com/347xok28. AVALON - Roxy Music
William and Isabelle share some poignant moments.
ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zJdbpzfJMs29. HEAVEN CAN WAIT - MeatloafWilliam making preparations to depart.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4YRPUQRlo30. I HOPE YOU DANCE - Ronan Keating William sending out thoughts to his eldest daughter, Mahelt.
31. MY IMMORTAL - EvanescenceIsabelle's feelings about William as she comes to terms with what's happening, especially his association with the Templars.
32. EVENSTAR - Isabel BayakdarianA bidding farewell. I was inspired not only by the music, but by the scene of Arwen standing before Aragorn's tomb in the second Lord of the Rings film The Two Towers
33.SAND AND WATER - Beth Nielsen ChapmanIsabelle coming to terms with her life. I felt this one extremely appropriate as in 1219, her youngest son would have been about 11 years old.
34. THE MIRACLE OF LOVE - EurythmicsFinale